Algorist Technologies

Steven Skiena, President

215 West 92nd St. Suite 1F
New York, NY 10025

Most professional programmers are not well prepared to tackle tough algorithm design or data science projects. Algorist Technologies is a consulting firm that provides its clients with short-term, expert help in algorithm design and implementation. Typically, an Algorist consultant is called in for one to three days worth of intensive, on-site discussion and analysis with the client's own development staff. Algorist has built an impressive record of performance improvements with several companies and applications. We provide longer-term consulting and contracting services as well.

Contact for more information on our services.

More Information

Steven Skiena is Professor of Computer Science at Stony Brook University. His research interests include the design of graph, string, and geometric algorithms, and their applications (particularly to biology). He is the author of six books, including The Algorithm Design Manual and The Data Science Design Manual. He is a Fulbright Scholar and recipient of the IEEE Computer Science and Engineering Undergraduate Teaching Award. His vita and publications are available on-line.